Full Bucket Farmstead offers two levels of CSA membership:
- The Full Commit provides members with a bucketful of fruits and vegetables each week for 15 weeks, PLUS free subscription to our newsletter “The Bucket List,” AND first-in-line access to purchase storage shares and Value-Added Products like syrups, sauces, and jams, and early-access invites to the Farmstead’s annual harvest party. Shares are $650 for 2025 Season. Sign up before April 15, 2025 to receive $50 off!
- The Weekender’s Share is built for travelers and summering neighbors! Members will receive a bucketful of fruits and vegetables for 4 weeks during the season (exact dates picked in advance, subject to availability), PLUS free subscription to our newsletter “The Bucket List.” $200 for 2025 Season (additional weeks can be purchased at $50/week). Sign up now to claim your dates!
2025 deliveries begin the week of June 17, and run through October. We deliver to Petoskey on Tuesdays*, Good Hart and Harbor Springs on Fridays*; with an option to pickup at the Farmstead either day. *Exact pick-up locations to be determined.

Community-Supported Agriculture, or CSA, is a direct-to-consumer sales model for small local farms like ours. Customers buy an annual CSA share up front (also called a farm membership, or produce subscription), and receive weekly deliveries of fruits and vegetables throughout the growing season.
Members and farmers alike share in the abundance, and the risk, of farming. Weather, pests, and other agents of chaos may impact yields; however, we hedge against the risks by engaging in regenerative and organic practices, like crop rotation and soil building, and encouraging diversity, both in the types and varieties of produce we provide in the weekly dividends, and in the flora and fauna found on our farm.
We’re especially keen on the Community of a CSA: a member is much more than mere customer. As an investor, you may become entirely invested in whether it rains on a Thursday. As a stakeholder, you may find yourself helping to drive tomato stakes during a farm visit. We want to fill your bucket, not only with fresh tomatoes and crisp lettuce, but with the connection and care that comes with Community.